Does Physical Therapy Increase My Settlement?

Does Physical Therapy Increase My Settlement?
Categories: Other NewsPublished On: April 8th, 2024

You may be entitled to compensation for your damages after being injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. You are in the right place if you wonder how physical therapy impacts your potential settlement. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in demonstrating the severity of your injuries and building a solid personal injury case. This blog post will explore how physical therapy influences your personal injury settlement and guides you through compensation.

Why Physical Therapy Is An Important Factor In A Personal Injury Settlement

Physical therapy is a critical component of the recovery process following an injury. Physical therapy sessions create detailed records documenting the extent of your injuries and the resulting pain and limitations. These records provide tangible evidence to support your claims, making it harder for insurance companies to downplay the severity of your condition.

Attending physical therapy shows that you are actively engaged in rehabilitating your injuries. This strengthens your case by indicating a genuine effort towards healing and positively influencing settlement negotiations.

Physical therapy records help project the potential for ongoing treatment expenses. If your injuries necessitate continued therapy or rehabilitation, these costs will be factored into your settlement negotiations.

Physical Therapy Can Help You Heal Better

Beyond its impact on your settlement, physical therapy plays a vital role in your physical recovery. Physical therapy techniques like manual therapy, heat and cold therapy, and targeted exercises can help manage pain and reduce inflammation, promoting a more comfortable healing process.

Physical therapists guide you through exercises and stretches to restore lost range of motion in injured areas, improving your overall function and flexibility. With a customized physical therapy program, you can rebuild strength and stability in weakened or injured muscles, joints, and ligaments.

Not Attending Prescribed Physical Therapy Can Affect Your Settlement

While physical therapy is beneficial and strongly recommended, refusing or neglecting to attend prescribed sessions can negatively impact your settlement. Insurance companies may use this to argue that your injuries are not as severe as claimed or that you are not committed to recovery. This can decrease the amount of compensation you receive.

Physical Therapy Records Can Be Used As Proof Of Your Injury

Your physical therapy records are evidence of your injury and its lasting effects. These records typically include:

  • A detailed assessment of your injuries, pain levels, and functional limitations.
  • A personalized treatment plan outlining therapy goals, modalities, and exercise protocols.
  • Documentation of your progress throughout treatment, highlighting improvements and any setbacks.

Insurance companies and attorneys carefully examine these records to assess the validity and extent of your injuries, making them crucial in determining your settlement.

What Damages Should I Seek in a Personal Injury Settlement?

When pursuing a settlement for an injury, you should learn the types of damages you can recover. An attorney for physical therapy lawsuit settlements can help determine the damages applicable to your case. Here’s a breakdown of the primary categories:

Economic Damages

Economic damages compensate you for the financial losses caused by your injury. These include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages address less tangible but equally significant consequences of your injury. These can include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium

How To Ensure Your Settlement Is Appropriate

Navigating the settlement process can be complex, so here are some key steps to ensure you receive a fair settlement that reflects the full extent of your damages:

  • Consult an experienced personal injury attorney specializing in physical therapy lawsuits. They can evaluate your case, guide you through the legal process, and advocate for your best interests during negotiations.
  • Keep meticulous records of your medical treatment, including physical therapy appointments, missed work, expenses, and how the injury impacts your daily life.
  • Adhere to your doctor’s prescribed treatment plan, including attending all physical therapy sessions. This is crucial to the recommended maximization of your recovery and demonstrating your commitment to improving.
  • Avoid accepting the first settlement offer. Insurance companies often try to lowball initial offers. Assess your case’s total value and consult your attorney before making decisions.

Physical therapy plays a significant role in your physical recovery and the outcome of your personal injury settlement. It provides evidence of your injuries, demonstrates your commitment to healing, and helps you achieve the best possible outcome. If you’ve been injured, prioritize your health by attending the recommended physical therapy sessions. Working with an experienced attorney and diligently documenting your treatment can build a strong case and secure the fair compensation you deserve.

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