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Things to Know About Mesothelioma Lung Removal Surgery

In the past, lung removal surgery, also known as pneumonectomy, was a common treatment for mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos exposure. However, due to advancements in medical science, it is now rarely used as a primary treatment option. This is because lung removal surgery carries serious risks and complications, and there are now more effective and less invasive treatment options available.

Lung Removal Surgery Has Serious Risks

As mentioned earlier, lung removal surgery is a major operation that carries significant risks and complications. A study published in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery found that  50% of patients who undergo lung removal surgery experience at least one complication.

Here are some of the common complications associated with lung removal surgery:

  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Death

These are just some of the potential risks associated with lung removal surgery. It is important to discuss these risks with your doctor to decide if surgery is the right treatment option for you.

Lung Removal Surgery Has Become a Last Resort

Given the risks associated with lung removal surgery, it is now widely considered as a last resort treatment for mesothelioma. Doctors typically recommend it only in specific scenarios where the potential benefits may outweigh the risks. This could apply if it appears the cancer is confined to one lung and the patient is otherwise healthy enough to endure the surgery.

Here are some key factors that have pushed lung removal surgery down the list of common mesothelioma treatments:

  • Availability of other options
  • Surgical risks for older patients
  • Impact on quality of life

Finding The Right Treatment Options

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is essential to consult an experienced doctor to review all potential treatment options. If you have been exposed to asbestos, it’s also crucial to consult with a knowledgeable mesothelioma lawyer in Alaska to explore your legal rights and possible compensation.

Recovery After Lung Removal Can Be Difficult and Lengthy

Recovery from a pneumonectomy (lung removal surgery) can be a long and arduous process. Patients typically stay in the hospital for several days or even weeks after the procedure. There will be a significant focus on pain management, physical therapy, and respiratory care.

Even after going home, the recovery process continues. Here’s what you might expect:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Limitations on physical activity
  • Doctors will closely monitor the patient during the recovery phase to watch for potential complications and ensure proper healing.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation, including breathing exercises and physical therapy, will be crucial for optimizing recovery and lung function.

The recovery period can take months, and for many patients, there might be a lasting reduction in their quality of life due to decreased lung capacity.

Lung Removal Surgery Can Limit Later Treatment Options

Unfortunately, lung removal surgery can have long-term consequences for mesothelioma patients by impacting the types of treatment they may be eligible for in the future.

Many chemotherapy drugs are harsh on the lungs. After the removal of a lung, the remaining lung may not be able to tolerate the full dosage of chemotherapy, restricting treatment options or dosages.

Radiation therapy is often a treatment option for mesothelioma. However, after a pneumonectomy, the remaining lung’s ability to withstand radiation might be compromised. This narrows down potential treatment strategies if the mesothelioma progresses or recurs.

Clinical trials investigating new and promising mesothelioma treatments often have strict eligibility criteria. Patients who have undergone lung removal surgery might not qualify for some of these trials, limiting their access to cutting-edge treatments.

This reduction in potential future treatment options highlights why it is important to carefully consider all your options and weigh the risks and benefits of lung removal surgery before making a decision.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you need to seek legal redress and fight for compensation. Compensation could include loss of enjoyment, loss of income, and lifelong medical treatment expenses. Consulting with a qualified mesothelioma specialist and personal injury lawyer will help you navigate your options and make informed decisions about your care.

Featured Image Source : https://www.britannica.com/science/mesothelioma

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