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Concussions and Post-Concussion Syndrome Claims

Some injuries are common in specific types of accidents; concussions and head injuries are common in car accidents and other types of accidents too. Because of the nature of such injuries, it is important to receive appropriate compensation in a personal injury claim so as to be able to deal with any future health issues relating to your injuries. This article will discuss filing a personal injury claim in respect of concussions and post-concussion syndrome. 

According to MedicineNet a concussion is defined as “a traumatic injury to soft tissue, usually the brain, as a result of a violent blow, shaking, or spinning. [It] can cause immediate but temporary impairment of brain functions, such as thinking, vision, equilibrium, and consciousness”. Unfortunately, most people associate concussions with football games or fights, however, they are not uncommon when caused by car accidents. If your concussion is the result of a car accident Anchorage speak to an attorney for legal advice on how to proceed.

Most people are not even aware that they have suffered a concussion after an accident because one does not necessarily have to lose consciousness to have a concussion. Some basic symptoms of concussions include:

  • Headaches
  • Failure to concentrate
  • Memory impairment
  • Problems with coordination, balance and judgement

The majority of people who suffer concussions suffered mild ones and are able to recover fully. After being involved in an accident, an individual may be eligible to file a personal injury claim for suffering a concussion as well as any pain they have suffered. However, in order to succeed in your claim, you will need proof that someone else was responsible for the accident as well as medical evidence proving that you suffered a concussion.

Another less spoken about aspect of concussions is post-concussion syndrome. According to WEB MD post-concussion syndrome is a condition closely linked with a head injury such as a concussion or a mild traumatic brain injury. [It] is a “medical problem that persists for a period of time after a head injury has occurred”. The period of time an individual can suffer from post-concussion syndrome can be from a few weeks to months. It must be noted that not all people who suffer from a mild traumatic head injury will experience post-concussion syndrome. The likelihood of suffering from the syndrome is when an individual has had previous concussions or head trauma.

The symptoms associated with post-concussion syndrome a similar to the ones you suffer when you have a concussion. However, in addition to the concussion symptoms individuals may also have new complications including:

  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Behavioral and or emotional changes

The headaches associated with post-concussion syndrome feel like migraine headaches but are largely characterized as tension headaches. Unfortunately, medical experts are not in agreement as to why some people get post-concussion syndrome and whether their symptoms are nothing more than regular issues occurring in the body.

When it comes to proving damages for concussions, a medical diagnosis is sufficient as well as medical records of the individual’s symptoms.

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