Categories: Firm News

Hurt in or Around Anchorage?

There are a lot of things to do in Anchorage, a part of what makes it such a great city. A Vehicle Accident Injury Lawyer may look at things somewhat differently. Museums in the area may be full of art and artifacts, but attorneys may look at it as a place of steps and slippery floors where someone might fall. Parks in Anchorage are gorgeous, but attorneys may look at them as places where boating accidents and drownings are likely. Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Races=dog bites.

It is not always easy being an attorney. Indeed, when you are so often exposed to people being hurt, it is hard not to be cynical. These “jaded” attorneys, however, likely have the experience necessary to help you when what is supposed to be a great experience takes a bad turn, causing you injury.

By way of example, if you are involved in an automobile accident, a Vehicle Accident Injury Lawyer will not miss Alaska’s two-year deadline by which you must file your lawsuit. Further, quality attorneys will fully investigate the facts surrounding your claim so that, when the time for trial comes, (a) all incident and accident reports, (b) photographs of the accident scene, the conditions of the cars involved, photos of injuries and anything else relevant, (c) all medical records and proof that the injuries were caused by the accident (such as a doctor’s testimony), (d) a concrete story to tell the jury, through witness testimony, about how the accident was not at all the plaintiff’s fault but instead was entirely the other driver’s fault—are all there to present.

There are also claims involving boating accidents, where questions surrounding fault include (i) whose fault it was, (ii) whether there was another reckless boater on the water, (iii) whether there was an engineering issue that led to a jetty in a place nobody could tell. Such information is of great importance to an attorney so that he may craft a proper claim against another boater, municipality or other government organization that might be responsible. And if there are other governmental organizations to sue, there might be very specific time limitations within which a claim must be brought, even earlier than the two-year statute of limitations period.

When there are dog bites that cause injuries, you are not automatically entitled to compensation from the dog’s owner. Rather, you have to demonstrate the existence of some reason the owner knew or should have known that the dog was likely to bite. Sometimes, victims do this through prior biting incidents or other aggressive tendencies. On the positive side, building managers who are aware of a dog’s vicious propensities can be held liable for a victim’s injuries that arise out of a resident’s dog’s biting, but only if he or she was aware of the likelihood of such an incident happening but did nothing about it.

Since there is knowledge, detail and creativity involved in effectively prosecuting a personal injury case in Alaska, it is important to retain a quality Vehicle Accident Injury Lawyer.

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