Auto Accidents

Alaska Lawyers for your Personal Injury Claims

When an accident happens, it still may be due to the fault of another person or entity. The standard you generally have to prove to prevail on a personal injury claim is “negligence”—that is, somebody failed to exercise that degree of care that an ordinary person would have used. If that is the case, and you were injured as a result of somebody’s negligence, you should consult with Personal Injury Attorneys Accidents to find out if you be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Some examples of negligence in personal injury cases include the following.

You are driving down the road, obeying the speed limit and driving carefully. Another person is driving toward you, checking their cell phone. As a result of that person’s failure to pay attention, they collide into your car. The other driver’s failure to exercise the ordinary degree of care—by watching their cell phone instead of the road—is an example of negligence. If you are injured as a result, Personal Injury Attorneys Accidents can help you recover monies for your injuries and any incidental losses, such as lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering and property damage.

Another example is in the slip-and-fall scenario. It was a typical snowy winter day in Anchorage, with 6 inches of snow having fallen on the ground. Although the snow stopped 10 hours ago, a business owner failed to shovel and salt the area in front of his store. As a result, you slip and fall, breaking your arm. This is another situation where attorneys can bring a lawsuit seeking compensation for your injuries and related damages and, as the store owner was negligent, you are likely to prevail.

In addition to the more common auto accident and slip-and-fall cases, there are many other types of cases that typically fall under the general “personal injury” category. These include defamation (where someone speaks a non-truth about you, causing injury to reputation, business, etc.); wrongful death (similar to personal injury cases, but where someone is deceased and the lawsuit is brought on behalf of decedent’s estate); assault and battery (where there is intent to injure as opposed to negligence); products liability (where someone is hurt as a result of a design or manufacturing defect—in such a case, a “strict liability” standard is often employed instead of negligence); and more.

Since there is a lot to know and a lot of work to do in bringing a successful personal injury case, the employment of personal injury attorneys to bring your claim is of great importance. Although you will be paying these attorneys, typically a percentage of the amount you recover, it is far better than torpedoing your case due to the failure to comply with rules and meeting the required standards, resulting in no recovery whatsoever.

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